To be able to work alongside Goodlife’s tight timelines, as well as keeping everyone transparently part of the journey we completely changed our own “ways of working”. To work faster we threw away the traditional steps of wireframing and annotating in favour for high-level, messy sketches and collaborative brainstorming sessions. In these sessions we would discuss everything from experience micro-interactions and technology constraints to design and layout so that by the time the session was over, everyone had a good understanding of the direction and we could just get right into designing and coding.
We also ran twice weekly sessions with the client. On Tuesdays they would see a set of key pages that aligned with a key journey sketched up and we would discuss and adjust the solution together with the client until we knew we hit the right direction. On Thursdays they would then see this experience in a working HTML prototype for final rounds of feedback, while also providing feedback on the next set of experience sketches. And so we worked, until the entire website was complete.
How did we know what, and how do design? We had done our homework by conducting stakeholder interviews, immersing ourselves with real gym members and conducting a series of strategic workshops.